Tractor Supply Company

Monday, November 26, 2012

Introduction to Birds:  According to George Hickox, well-known bird dog trainer, the best way to introduce a 12 week old puppy to birds is with a "locked-wing" pigeon and this is what I do with my own puppies.

Simply take one wing of the pigeon and cross it over the other one firmly but not so much as to hurt the bird.  Once this is done, the pigeon can flap and walk but not fly.

Take the puppy to an enclosed area e.g. a small pen and toss the bird to the other end.  The pup will run to it, bark at it, and, finally, pick it up.  Since you are in an enclosed area, it can't run off with it. Catch the pup, take the bird and repeat this 5-6 times until the puppy says  "Hey, these birds are fun!"

Put the puppy up, unlock the pigeon's wings (it won't be hurt) and place it back in its home for work another day.

Later, you can take the pigeon out to a field and using a water-hose hobble (available from Lion Country Supply) so it can't fly off, the pup can find the bird in cover and may actually point it!  (You will need a helper for this.)

Good luck with your pup and take care of your pigeons...they are great birds to work with.

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